A fierce indignation against the existing order of things

Posted on Thursday, June 11, 2009, at 5:25 pm, by Cadwalader Crabtree.

'What legal ways are there for me to give vent to a fierce indignation against the existing order of things?' Cartoon from Life, May 1, 1931.

Alethea has been hinting at decidedly unpleasant consequences if I don’t produce some saleable new cards in pretty short order.

In the hope of mollifying her, I have decided to resurrect the fine cartoon on the left, first published in Life on May Day, 1931. Unfortunately the work is unsigned, and I cannot readily identify the cartoonist. It is clearly the same individual, however, who drew the no less diverting cartoon below, dating from July 4, 1930.

'I'm afraid it wouldn't do for Nathan; he's an amazingly conventional child.' Cartoon from Life, July 4, 1930.