The Great Depression in Cartoons, Part 6:
“Greeting Cards for the Depression”

Posted on Thursday, February 5, 2009, at 8:43 pm, by Cadwalader Crabtree.

As the chief designer for a greeting card company, I could not resist giving this cartoon, “Greeting Cards for the Depression,” by Nate Collier (and “W.W.S.”), a post all to itself. Although the cartoon appeared in Life magazine on April 17, 1931, most of its gags could scarcely be more relevant today. (As always, for a larger, more readily legible image, just click on it.)

Greeting Cards for the Depression, cartoon by Nate Collier, from Life, April 17, 1931

Don’t overlook the rest of our series on Life’s cartoons from the Great Depression! And there’s much more to come!